Sunday, October 4, 2015

Weaning Steroid

Lincoln has been on hydrocortisone for five days now, today is his last day. Tomorrow, rather than just cut him off cold turkey, they will give him half the dose every eight hours for three days, then that same half dose only once per day for three days. He's dropped weight again for the third day in a row; five days ago he was 925g, now he's 915g. I am hoping the extra calorie fortifier he gets, which adds twenty-four extra calories to his feedings and that he is tolerating well, will help him not only gain again, but gain more quickly. He's been on the fortifier for a few days now (first a 22-cal, now 24-cal), but the steroid has been helping to level off some functions, so I hoping that's the reason for weight.
Lincoln sucking on his binky 💜💜💜

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