Thursday, July 31, 2008

She Can Walk! (Sort of...)

After a long, very very very very very hot day at the zoo, Elliot wanted to play before bedtime. We took her to the basement and let her walk with her lion push-toy from Aunt Elaine, Uncle Harry, Chris, and Katie. She LOVED it! She did such a great job and we were so proud of her! She had tried it once before and had a lot of trouble, because there is no resistance with it. She was very careful this time, and really impressed us!

She looks almost ready to mow the lawn! (Thanks for the onesie, Aunt Vik, and for the fun day at the zoo!)

Keep an eye on the YouTube bar to the right, there will be videos there soon!

We Have Friends!

Mike and Kat, our friends, for real, came to visit us on Sunday and had dinner with us. Elliot quickly added them to her friend list, too! Here she is snacking before they came, and hanging out with both of them. I'll be sending the pics to Mike's Mom so she can see how ready they are for kids!

Elliot snacks - what a cute outfit! Thanks, Mike!

Elliot and Kat

Elliot and Kat

Elliot and Mike

Elliot and Mike

A New Car! How exciting?

David finally broke down and bought a new car. We went to Toyota to try to order a Prius, but they have stopped taking orders because they have so many on the list already. We went to Honda to look for a Civic Hybrid. None available, again. The regular Civic only gets a few miles fewer per gallon, so we went for that. Then we saw the Civic SI. We really like how sporty it was and all the features it had. It was only a couple miles fewer than the regular civic, so we checked it out more. We decided to go for it. We bought it. As we're walking out the door, sleezy sales guy Tommy mentions, 'oh yeah, it takes premium gas.' WHAT?!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More (Random) Pictures

Pulling up:

Bathtime pigtails:

Playing with Grandma:

More pigtails:

Pigtails stay after being taken out:

Mommy's new trees:

The trees are gonna go here:

Phil and Claire:

The big City is exhausting!:

Phil, Claire and Elliot:

Daddy and Elli at the beach:

Here's where Mommy's plants went!:

Elli begging Daddy for his dinner:

Elliot's First Apple.....Visit

We went in to the City on Saturday with Uncle Phil & 'Aunt' Claire. They came to visit us on Thursday and left on Monday. On Friday, they slept in (I don't blame them, 10 hours in a car to get here is exhausting!), then we went to Port Jeff to walk around. While Dave and I were teaching, they went to our fantastic Smithhaven Mall. Saturday morning we went to the city and go back around 11 PM, I think. Sunday we slept in again, as a day in the City takes several days to recover from. Sunday afternoon, we went to Grandpa and Grandma's to swim and had burgers and hotdogs. Monday morning, we sent them on their way!

In the City, Elliot (and Claire, as it was her first time in the City) saw the Statue of Liberty (from Battery Park), Wall Street, Ground Zero, and then we hopped back on the subway. Phil & Claire saw Avenue Q (Dave and I have already seen it, and Elliot will NEVER be allowed to see it - haHA!) and Dave, Ella and I headed over to...drumroll please?....anyone who knows Dave knows what I will say here....The Nintendo World Store! Then we walked around Rockefeller Center and THE Toys-R-Us. Phil and Claire met us at TRU, then we took them to see Rockefeller Center and Central Park. After stopping by Strawberry Fields, we headed home, exhausted!!!


Elliot's First Time in the City:

On the train to the City:

Mommy, Daddy, Elli at the Statue of Liberty:

Statue of Liberty:

Ground Zero:

Avenue Q Theater:

Inside Toys-R-Us:

Studio 1A in Rockefeller Plaza (The Today Show):

Phil and Claire:

So Much to See!:

Strawberry Fields:

On our way home on the LIRR - view of the City Skyline:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Naganos!

Congrats Ken and Jen Nagano! We had a WONDERFUL time at your wedding! Here are some pics from the big night. We really enjoyed seeing so many Phi Kaps again, too. It was great to catch up with everyone. I also really appreciated the time we got to spend with Ken - he really took the time to visit with everyone! Thanks Ken! And Jen, it was nice to get to meet you more! (Last time we met you, we had to leave right away!) And just to clarify for anyone reading this who doesn't know Jen and Ken, Ken is actually Kenichi, so their names don't really rhyme...Kenichi and Jennifer?

Here's Elliot napping before the wedding. Uncomfortable much? She refused to nap, and literally fell asleep standing and slid down to this position:

Jen Watson:

I do! Do You?!:

Elliot applauds the new couple:

Mmmm cake!:

The Conga Line:

Hsia, Ken, Neil and kids:

Me, Ken, and Davey (Elliot was back at the hotel sleeping at this point!):

Mean Nathan, Eugene, Ken, Rowan (below), Davey (a.k.a. Jackal), Hsia, and Neil:

Elliot on the ride home:

Travel for the Wedding

I will use this post only to talk about the trip to and from Cleveland for the wedding. I will not use it to talk about Ken and Jen's lovely wedding. That will get its own nice post.

Argh! We left LI around noon on Friday afternoon. You would think that that would be a great time to leave the island. Nope. Turns out they closed part of the LIE, westbound only, on the way to the GWB. After losing nearly an hour there, we were frustrated. Elliot was especially unhappy about travelling that day, too. We were caught in at least two other episodes of parking-lot-on-the-interstate traffic, too, due to construction. We were trying to make it to Cleveland in time to meet some of the Phi Kaps at Harry Buffalo, but we didn't get until about 11:15 PM. Elliot DID get to have her first Happy Meal, though. Once she really lost her mind, we decided to pull off and have dinner to get her out of the car. She had chicken nuggets, apple slices, and milk. What a big girl! (BTW, she had her second Happy Meal on Saturday...)

On the way back home, we thought it couldn't possibly take as long. We left around noon again, after the babies had their pics taken at JCP. The first six hours we really cruised. Then we hit construction again, and lost a ton of time. Then when we were at wits end, we got to the GWB and a sign that said "sixty minute delays." Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! It only ended up being about a 35 minute delay, but still. We got in at midnight. We should have flown.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Elliot's New Hairstyle - Haha!

Well, I might have mentioned to Dave a week or so ago that Ella's hair is maybe getting long enough for pigtails. He has asked several times since if it was. I decided today was the day to try. You can let us know if you agree!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Now We're Cruisin'!

Elliot began yesterday to little by little begin cruising! She pulled up on her LeapFrog learning table, and tiptoed over to her toybox! Then later, she was standing by the couch and took a step or two toward Daddy's leg. (She likes to pull his leg hair.) Yay, Ella! We're movin' now!

Elli and I have been cuddling and rocking before bed lately. I hold her, sing a couple songs, and she puts her head on my chest. She shifts positions often and sometimes reaches up to kiss me. I love that! Tonight, while I was singing, she insisted on being forehead-to-forehead and nose-to-nose. She would stretch up and kiss my nose sometimes. It was just the cutest thing! What a silly girl!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Some Catch Up

My laptop is on its way out of this world...while the speed of the computer and all its functioning is still quite good, the screen no longer has the strength to hold itself upright. So now I can only use my laptop where it can be propped up. Strangely enough, I have used it while holding the screen up with my foot...painful, but necessary at times. I will be on much less due to this, I'm sure, as I have been for the last several days.

Elliot's parties all ended up fantastic. Daddy bought her an elephant at the zoo on her actual birthday. On Wednesday morning, we were playing with it and I said to Elliot, "What is the elephant's name? He needs a name!" I certainly didn't expect the answer that I got, "Dewey." Occasionally Elli says Dewey in a string of syllables, but it was as though she were really answering me. So now we have Dewey the Elephant.

On Tuesday evening, our neighbor Laura dropped off a gift card for Elliot for her birthday. (Her son, Douglas, graduated this weekend and she was quite busy with 72 guests for her party!) I had seen some great toys on clearance at Target and Ella and I went over to pick something out on Wednesday. I took the three toys I liked and put them in a row, and Elliot picked this cool bike. It has a toy that you can play with on the floor 'til you're big enough to sit on the bike; then, it becomes a rocking bike; finally, it becomes a riding bike. Its so cool and Ella LOVES it!!! Here's a pic (okay, 2!)!

Yesterday Elliot was down for a nap, and when I got her up, she was bleeding by both of her eyes. I don't know if she was itchy near her nose or what, but she now has identical red sores between her eyes on each side of her nose. Its odd. Here's a pic:

Today we had a garage sale. For the most part, Ella was wonderful, all things considered. The weather was cloudy with a chance of yucky. It did, however, keep the temp down. We made $48.50. Heck, it paid for groceries with money left over!!! None of our big stuff sold that we thought would, and only strange quirky little things sold. Odd... At any rate, one couple (who were obviously 'professional garage salers') tipped us onto the fact that there was a garage sale down the street with loads of fantastic and clean kids' toys. I ran down there, and they were right! I bought Elliot a play grill with utensils and ketchup and mustard, and this fantastic desk from Little Tykes. Both things combined I got for $8, and I bet she spent at least an hour today being entertained by them. Great deal! The desk is fantastic, too big for now (she stands at it and drums on the desktop) but will be great later!