Elliot found some of her toys from birthday party 2 to play with:

ELliot playing with her 2-in-1 Learning Kitchen from Mommy and Daddy:

Unwrapping her new sippie cups (with straws!):

Unwrapping some books:

Daddy, Ella, and Mommy at the mailbox where her "1" balloon announced her big day:

Elliot in her stroller at the zoo - see her adorable hat?!:

Male tiger Sasha - Elliot's getting an Uncle Sacha on January 2!:

Nana, Elliot and PopPop - Happy 35th Anniversary Nana and PopPop!:

Elliot offering me a Cheerio:

Elli and Daddy - she sure is Daddy's girl!:

A camel:

A seal:

An alligator at the new Madagascar exhibit:

The condor stretching his wings to show us how big he is!:

Mommy and Elli:

Elliot and Mommy on the bug carousel:


A peacock and a peahen - perhaps celebrating their 35th anniversary, too?:

Elliot sacked out on the Asia Monorail:

A tiger lounging in the cool water as we rode by:

Inappropriate Elephants:

Elliot still asleep on the Asia Monorail ride:

She can't even keep her head up as we leave the zoo:

There are a couple new videos on YouTube of Elliot opening presents and playing with her kitchen. Visit our YouTube site at www.youtube.com/sajaklitsch or wait for the videos to appear in our video bar to the right. Those friends who watch our videos often (Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts (real or faux), etc.) can subscribe to our videos and receive an email each time new ones are posted!
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