Sunday, March 22, 2009

Daddy is 29!!!

Daddy's Ice Cream Cake:

"Happy Daddy!" (Elliot's way of saying Happy Birthday, Daddy!:


New Cabinets:

Daddy's new haircut - he raised money for the St. Baldrick's foundation and got his head shaved:

Daddy Dave finally caught up to Mommy and he is 29, too! His birthday Saturday was nice, we had some great friends over for a really good time.

The cabinets are pretty much done at this point. We love all the new storage and how great the room looks with them in.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Apple Pants and Cabinet

The famous Apple Pants:

The cabinets nearly done:

Elliot playing in the cabinets before we started painting:

Monday, March 9, 2009

Apple Pants

Wow, what a meltdown we had today! Elliot is wearing her "Apple Pants" today. (I'll try to post a picture.) They are her favorite pants (its only the 2nd time she's worn them, but she talks about them ALL THE TIME!) I went to take her pants off to change her diaper, and she started screaming and tantruming. She was screaming, "Apple Pants! Apple Pants!" I had gotten her pants partway down when she took off "running." She wouldn't let me come near her, so I finally just let her go. When she came into the kitchen where I was, I grabbed her, took her into her room, took off her pants and diaper, and she grabbed her pants and ran to Daddy. Daddy was teaching a lesson, so it was rather funny that this spunky little one-year-old was running around bottomless, carrying her pants, and screaming, "APPLE PANTS!!!!!!!" Daddy took her kicking and screaming and got her diaper on and got her settled down. *SIGH* Apple Pants.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Facebook is SO cool!

Last summer, my parents were visiting. We went to church, and during the service, we saw a girl who looked familiar. Sure enough, as we were leaving, she was just ahead of us and held the door. It was Rachel R, whom I had gone to St. Mary School with in Marietta. She is now a professor at the University just a few miles from my house.

A couple of weeks ago, Lora, another girl with whom we had attended St. Mary friended me on Facebook. She then wrote me a note saying that she, too, lived in Suffolk County. Turns out, she lives just about ten miles from me! Stranger yet, she teaches in the same school district I do! Her step-son is a fifth grader in one of the buildings that I teach in, and may even be a student of mine.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Elliot is an 82-year old woman!

Last night, Elliot was quite sleepy and walking around after a tantrum. She had her sippie cup tucked under her left arm, and was walking around looking everywhere yelling, "MILK!!!! MILK!!!! MILK!!!!" When I noticed that the sippie cup tucked under her left arm was full of milk, I said to her, "Elle, its in your hand!" She looked at her right hand, then back at me, then went on searching again. When I finally showed her where she was, she giggled and shouted, "MILK!!!!!!!!!" Then, she proceeded to try to drink from it, while still tucked under her left arm. She chased it around like a puppy chasing its tail. What silly little old lady girl!