Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Elliot is an 82-year old woman!

Last night, Elliot was quite sleepy and walking around after a tantrum. She had her sippie cup tucked under her left arm, and was walking around looking everywhere yelling, "MILK!!!! MILK!!!! MILK!!!!" When I noticed that the sippie cup tucked under her left arm was full of milk, I said to her, "Elle, its in your hand!" She looked at her right hand, then back at me, then went on searching again. When I finally showed her where she was, she giggled and shouted, "MILK!!!!!!!!!" Then, she proceeded to try to drink from it, while still tucked under her left arm. She chased it around like a puppy chasing its tail. What silly little old lady girl!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Ah, Alzheimer's starts early these days. Are you sure she's not licking any aluminum pots?