Sunday, October 18, 2015

It's Temporary

Link was all about being held today.  No problems!  No idea what his problem was yesterday LOL!

His weight shot up last night - he's now 2lbs, 15oz!  He's such a little champ - I'm super proud!

They've weaned his settings on his vent again, but only after having to go up again last night, so we're back to where we were yesterday afternoon.


I'm actually pretty proud of Dave and I.  This is SUPER not easy.  There is a lot of guilt - no matter where I am, I feel guilty that I'm not where I'm not.  If I'm at the hospital, I feel guilty about not being home; If I'm at home, I feel guilty about not being at the hospital.  And driving to the hospital every day is brutal.  And emotionally it gets tough.  And we're tired.  But I keep telling myself it's temporary.  Every time I hate pumping, it's temporary.  Every time I'm stuck in traffic again, it's temporary.  And I'm grateful that the thoughts that I was thinking earlier in his short life are different now.  Now I think, "Will he be home in time for New Year's?  Christmas even?" instead of, "Will I buy him special pajamas? And how tiny will the casket be? And how do you choose a funeral home?"  I can say I feel confident that my little man is coming home.  But for now, we put in our NICU time.  It's temporary.

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