Saturday, October 24, 2015

Medical Mystery

Lincoln sent everyone into a tizzy today.  While Daddy visited this morning, he started being really naughty.  He threw up, and his nurse was very worried that he had aspirated because he was having some bad breathing epidsodes (bradycardia).  The brady's were unexplained, the vomiting was weird because he hadn't done that since he first began his feeds.  His belly was distended.  His O2 sats were all over the place.

The nurses (his nurse Rosemary and NP Pam) decided to find the problem fast.  A chest x-ray was performed because they needed to see if he had aspirated or if his tube had moved.  A new blood gas was taken, even though one had been performed just yesterday, to rule out any major changes.

Then Lincoln pooped.  And pooped, and pooped, and pooped!  Rosemary said he pooped for about three hours.  And when he was done pooping?  Everything went back to normal.  *sigh*  Boys.

I'm super ready for him to be off the breathing tube.  The next step is a nasal cannula which is step back from a CPAP.  Essentially, a CPAP that they can still change the settings on like his vent.  I think he and I both are ready for that.  Maybe this week.

Today I told Pam, his NP, that I need him home two months from today.  Christmas Eve.  She asked when his due date was, I told her Christmas Day.  She said, "Oh, that may be do-able."  I'm not asking to have him home super early or to really jump the gun.  Just one stinkin' day before his due date.  THAT will be my Christmas miracle.

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