Wednesday, November 11, 2015

ROP Surgery

This morning when I came in, our nurse Donna was on break. I came into our little room and set up and started pumping. Donna came in and said, 'Oh hi Mommy. Let me go get Carol.' That should have been my clue. In fact, I wondered who Carol was and why she needed to be gotten. I know Carol, just forgot her name, and as soon as she came in, I knew.  Dr. Cody, our pediatric ophthalmologist had already done Lincoln's appointment this morning. The ROP is progressing, so he'll be having surgery at 6PM. Mommy cried. I know it's minor in the grand scheme of things, but damn. Lincoln will be put back into a warming bed (we've been upgraded one step to just an incubator). He needs this bed because the entire top of it lifts up but still helps him maintain his temperature. He needs an IV line put back in. He will have to skip two feeds, and if heeds to skip more than that, he'll have to go back on IV fluids. He'll be sedated with morphine to keep him from moving. The surgery takes about 30 minutes per eye. The morphine will be stopped as soon as the surgery is over. 

To make matters more fun, while driving home from Miss Ronnie's yesterday, Addie threw up in Dave's car. I fed her a very bland dinner, and she really seemed to be feeling fine. I went to my Mothers Of Twins meeting and got a text from Dave that she had thrown up in her bed and in the hallway. He got her cleaned back up and back to bed. Around 11:30 PM, she was calling for us and had gotten sick yet again. Now it's a waiting and guessing game for who gets it next. I'm not holding Lincoln today, because I don't want him to get sick in addition to everything else.

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