Sunday, November 29, 2015

Busy Life!

Life keeps getting in my way of posting.  Lincoln has had a HUGE week!

Lincoln went from the bi-nasal IMV to the CPAP and has already transitioned to a nasal cannula.  This is major as his terrible lungs are adjusting quickly to the new big changes!  So thrilled for my little man!

We've started breastfeeding attempts.  He latches well, but doesn't seem to know what to do once the milk is in his mouth.  It's a slow process, hopefully bottlefeeding will help.  I've given permission for them to try bottles today.  I really want this baby to breastfeed (I hate cleaning bottles, I love the convenience and cuddles of nursing!), so I hope bottlefeeding doesn't mess that up.

Lincoln was six pounds, five ounces as of yesterday.  He has grown out of his preemie clothes and is now in newborn clothes.

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