Sunday, November 15, 2015

Cellulitis, Tranfusions, and 'Really Bad Lungs'

We had an excruciatingly long day yesterday. I woke at 4:20 and crashed after 10 pm. I was so very looking forward to sleeping in today. But the phone rang at 7:00am. It was the hospital. Dave jumped up and grabbed the phone. Our baby was 'doing great,' but they had identified a weird nodule on his arm as cellulitis. They wanted to begin IV antibiotics right away. No problem.

Daddy came to visit. Lincoln's crib is low at 30 and he's getting another transfusion. He's on two antibiotics for the cellulitis. Daddy came because he had a concert at 2. Elle had a cello recital at 2, as well. The plan was for Dadfy, Addie and Charlie to go to the concert while Elle and I went to the recital. My car wouldn't start, though, so Daddy had to skip his concert to take us all to the recital. Elliot did a great job! We are so proud of her!

Tonight I was speaking to our nurse JoAnne about how we seem to have plateau'ed on the vent. She said it's because he's a 23-weeker with 'really bad lungs.' She said he's a miracle baby to be doing so well, but it's still a long road and lots of growing to go.

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