It's almost 6PM and I haven't been to the hospital yet. Neither has Dave. Luckily, Lincoln can't tell time yet to know that his parents are too busy for him.
Elliot, Addie, and Charlie had dentist appointments today. Addie did great! Charlie has a cavity and a weak spot (the dentist suggested sealant). Elliot got lectured about not brushing well enough and needing to floss as well as needing to brush her tongue. Sealant and loads of visits to the orthodontist were suggested for Elliot, too.
My day hasn't been great. I finally filled out all the paperwork for my FSA reimbursement. It was in my bag on my drive home. My bag tipped over, and my bag of breastmilk bottles also tipped and leaked all over all my stuff. Including my paperwork to get my $800 back. I hope they'll accept it. I hope they think it got ruined in the rain or something. I found the paperwork saying I was approved for the thing I was scolded for yesterday - it had been sent back to me on Monday to add the words "see attached" to, because apparently no one else could write that on there. I didn't work Monday, so I didn't get it until yesterday and I didn't open it until today. That's why I got yelled at. I thought I was mostly done with stuff for Mulan. The first show is in 13 days. But now I think there's more I need to do.
I really need to be done with work. I'm officially over my head.
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