Lincoln was moved yesterday to the 1.5L cannula. He couldn't tolerate it without low satting, so today he's been moved back to the 2L. He's doing okay on it, but has been all over the map with his sats this morning. There was even talk of moving back more, but it was agreed that they would keep him on the cannula and watch him closely.
I did the 11AM feed this morning, he was nursing pretty well - certainly his best effort yet - but that only means about 2 minutes of active trying. After his feed, I ran a few errands, mostly to get him things for his new room. I hope he likes navy & green, that's what he's getting. I'm back now for the 2PM feed. We'll see if he wakes up enough to eat.
My milk supply is dropping. I'm trying everything I can to get it back up again. Pumping every single hour, taking Fenugreek, eating oatmeal and drinking milk. I've just ordered brewer's yeast to make lactation cookies! I've been drinking water non-stop, and I need to make more of an effort to eat actual meals (not just grabbing something on the go) and healthy food. I will win this and increase my supply!
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