Thursday, September 24, 2015

Three Weeks Old - Oh, Lincoln...

News isn't as exceptional today.  Here's the good stuff - he has stayed stable and his weight is up to 810g - our first trip into the 800's.  He's grown half an inch in the last three weeks as well, making him a long 13.5 inches.  Also his feeds have gone up again to 3 cc's every three hours.  Each day of the last three, he has gone up one cc every 3 hours, which is progress that I like.  No residuals mean that his body is processing the food, and poopy diapers mean it's making it's way through his little body.

His blood pressure is still a major issue and cannot seem to be explained yet.  The doctors had his cortisol levels checked and the results came back normal.  Endocrine has been called to do a consult next to see if they know why he's fighting to keep a normal blood pressure.  The dopamine is still at 8 mcg, but his blood pressure is falling again.  Mommy is concerned.

A chest x-ray was done last night and Lincoln's lungs look "hazy."  He was given medication, but his blood pressure is still dropping, so we have to wait and see.  When I got here they were performing a kidney ultrasound.

At three weeks old, Daddy has still not held Lincoln.  My heart breaks for that.  I've held him, only twice.  Just want to scoop up my boy and love on him...

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