Saturday, September 26, 2015

A Surprise Visit from Nana & PopPop

I was excited to be home this morning around 10 AM, because my parents were coming and we hadn't told the girls.  Elliot had her well-visit this morning at 9.  We got to tell our pediatrician all about Lincoln.  He also told us that a foot thing we've been worried about with Elle is simply flat feet, and a good (expensive) pair of sneakers with arch support.

After the appointment, we came home and hung out in the family room until we heard the doorbell.  I told the girls to answer the door, and there were squeals of delight that Nana & PopPop were here!  Then Dave and I took off for the hospital.

Lincoln is staying on the same track.  Nearly nothing has changed, which in some ways a good thing.  His weight has gone to 815g today, and his feeds are now 5cc's every 3 hours.  Still has the blood pressure issues going on, still going up and down on the vent.

Dave and I are actually going on a much needed date night to our favorite restaurant tonight.  Since we have 24 hour babysitting right now, we're taking advantage and going out to dinner then to the hospital to see little man.

1 comment:

CMC said...

I had no idea of their whereabouts when I pocket dialed them while driving to our 4th soccer game at 3pm....RIGHT when the the U-M football game decided to let out.