Thursday, September 17, 2015

Link's Future

David and I have been getting little tidbits about Lincoln all day.  Mostly little things that just seem to be adding up and weighing us down.  Tonight we had tickets to attend a consignment sale pre-sale.  We knew we needed a new high chair as I had sold our other two.  We wanted to buy him some cute little outfits and take a look around at what else they had.

We were discussing Lincoln in the car on the way there, and both getting quite upset about all the little things going on today - infection, air outside his lungs, low blood pressure, etc.  Everything adding up.  And as we went in to look at clothes, I wasn't feeling it.  Dave was half-hearted about it, too.  I said, "Is it bad that I'm scared to buy him things, in case..." And Dave understood and agreed.  I don't want to have to think that way.  I'm his Mommy.  I want to protect him.  *sigh*  Now I'm back at the hospital because I want to be with him.  Screw sleep - I'll nap on Saturday.

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