Wednesday, September 16, 2015

One Step Forward, One-Half Step Back

Yesterday was thrilling.  Lincoln is rocking these last couple of days.  He began feeds yesterday, a little Mama milk to get him going.  Unfortunately, he's having a bit of a rough go with it.  Granted when your first meal isn't until you are 12 days old, I guess it's a shock to your system.  He's gotten .5mL which is 1/10 of a teaspoon - about 3 or 4 drops of milk.  He started at noon yesterday, so noon, 4 PM, 8 PM, 12 AM, 4 AM, and then at 8 AM they realized he's not digesting it well enough.  He has "residuals" in his line.  Each time they feed him, the nurses suck his belly dry through his feeding tube to see how much he has digested.  Then, they send that back to his belly to continue digesting and put in his new food as well.  Our nurse today, Jessie, said he had residuals and they are dark in color, so feeds have been postponed.

He is, however, pooping.  He's getting rid of the meconium - the black tar that they have in their little baby intestines while in Mommy's belly.  The first few days of poop are meconium - hard to clean up from what I understand.  All four of my babies have been in the NICU during the meconium stage so I've never had to change those diapers!  Jessie also said his belly is soft, which means there shouldn't be painful gas building up in his belly.

I anticipate a lot of poop and putt jokes (we call farts 'putts' in our house) as we now have a son.  I'm embarrassed to say that Miss Adeline will be the one teaching Link how funny potty humor jokes are! LOL!

Link is up to 720g this morning from 650g, so big growth since he started feeds.

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