Tuesday, September 22, 2015

19 Days Old - Day 20

The NICU counts day of birth to be day 1 since it's their first day of life.  So where we say Lincoln is 19 days old, the NICU staff calls him 20 days.  Day 20 is looking good for Link.  He dropped a bit of weight again at 730g, but we know that is related to being bloated, urine output, etc.  His dopamine dose is up to five after easing yesterday down to three, then up to four. But his oxygen is down to 30-40% from 50-60% yesterday.  He's comfy hanging out on his belly right now, easily his preferred method of relaxation.

I dropped off Elle's birth certificate and arranged "babysitter busing" for when I work and she needs to go to our Miss Ronnie's house.  The stop by district office on the way to the hospital was nice - I was greeted by lots of concerned and caring people who wanted to know how little Lincoln was doing.  It also wrapped up a couple more things I needed to scratch off the to-do list.

And as far as the twins: This morning Charlie was at her worst. She had been up in the middle of the night and girl needs her sleep! She was throwing tantrums from the moment she woke up. Char was particularly mad at me for giving her an orange cup when blue is her favorite color. Addie had been given a pink cup, which is HER favorite color, and she sweetly offered it to and fed Charlie from it while she took the orange cup for herself. Addie, for all her faults (like exhausting her parents with her endless wants and whining), is such a little mommy to her sister 
heart emoticon

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