Monday, September 21, 2015

18 Days Old

I can hardly believe we've been at this for 18 days.  Little Man is doing well today.  His weight today is 750g, which is what his birth weight was.  He's been all over the map the last few days with his weight, as kidney issues are causing bloating and affecting his urine output.  If you could just see him move and groove and squirm all the time, you'd see that he looks good for a 26-weeker.  Hopefully the kidney and blood pressure issues we're seeing get better so he can go back to feeds again.  He's still getting colostrum care - rubbing the inside of his mouth with a swab of colostrum.  But Mommy & Daddy want him eating, because the nutrition in the colostrum and breastmilk will do wonders for him.

Our nurse today, Heather, realized that whoever hung his dopamine line did so with a line with a filter.  She is now changing it out for a line without a filter.  She said the filter can catch molecules of the medication and keep it from getting to him.  This could be the reason that 1 unit was working a few days ago and 7.5 doesn't seem to be working as well as it should today.  Lincoln's blood pressure is okay, but on the very low end of okay.  They will monitor closely with blood pressure readings every 30 minutes to be sure it is making a difference.

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