On Monday of our trip, Dave and I decided to check out the Olympic Training Park in C-Springs. This is where the movie Miracle took place (though the hockey arena is not on the site we visited). Endurance athletes train here, because the air is so thin it makes training harder. Then, when they compete elsewhere, they have a distinct advantage. It was a really cool place to visit. On our way there, we saw the mountain that NORAD is located in. NORAD is the group who tracks Santa Claus's trip each year, and they do other important stuff, too, like national security. After the Olympic Park, we went down to Old Colorado City and went to a street fair. Daddy got a new Mario (Scarface) t-shirt, because he doesn't have enough video game t-shirts yet. Haha! (Or is it, HaHA!!!?)
NORAD's mountain:
Olympic Training Park:
All sports represented:
Countdown to Beijing:
Olympic Flames:
Elliot's new sport:
Elli and Mommy:
Daddy and Elli:
Olympic swimming:
Olympic Rings:
All about the hockey team "Miracle" was based on:
Olympic Park Entrance:
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