No, its not what you're thinking. Now that Elliot, our little 'monkey,' is everywhere and getting into everything, we've been talking about the language we use with her. Dave and I agree that we don't want to say "NO" constantly. So we've decided to use the double d's. Most things that she should not get into are either "dangerous" or "dirty."
She LOVES to play with (read: eat) shoes. I just take them away and say "dirty!" Or when she tries to take the cord from a laptop, I take it away and say "dangerous!" When she tries to eat the leaves and grass that come in on Monty and Zoe's bellies (because they're so low to the ground that their bellies rub the grass), I say "dirty!" and take it out of her hand. When she reaches for the faucet in the tub, I say "dangerous!" Get it? We'll be asking her babysitters to use the same language, so she gets good consistency.
We'll also be having a yard sale for the junk we have lying around and for all the stuff that Elliot's trying to get, like our CD racks that could tip over onto her and hurt her. Those are now leaving our home. :) Kids really do change your life!
I forgot to mention that yesterday, I got Dave a diploma frame for his undergrad degree from Case Western Reserve University. He'll probably get a Masters frame for Christmas for Hofstra. He's seriously discussing started his Educational Doctorate this summer. I am so proud of him! He has talked about a doctorate for a long time now, and I think this is a great time to do it. I've been done with my Masters since December, and summer is a good time start a new program. If not this summer, I think he'll start in the fall. In three years, I'll have to call him "Dr-Husband-but-not-that-kind-of-doctor."
Elliot got her Daddy a very sweet book of most of the pictures of her and her best guy from her first year of life. I'll try to post a link to it...there it is!
oops...didn't work!
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