Saturday, we went to the Jaklitsch's pool to cool off, since its in the nineties and expected to stay that hot 'til Tuesday or Wednesday. Elliot had her real swim in the big pool, and really seemed to enjoy it. Plus, if you say to her, "Elliot, what does a doggy say? Woof! Woof!" She'll say, "Oof, oof!" back to you! Also, if you ask her where your nose is, she will be happy to show you. Do not, however, ask her where hers is, we haven't made it that far!
Today (Sunday), we back to the pool with our new pool float. Elliot LOVED it! She kicked her legs and actually made her way around the pool. Today, if you say, "Elliot, can I have a kiss?" She'll lean in and plant a big open mouthed one on ya! Also, we have been doing baby sign language with her, and she really seems to understand "MORE," telling us when she is ready for more food! What a big girl! Everyday we notice more and more milestones! In fact, while Daddy and Mommy were watching "Planet Earth" on TV downstairs and having dinner, we saw Elliot CRAWL ON HER HANDS AND KNEES, even if just for a brief moment! In fact, haha, we saw her scoot over to the PS3 and hit the power button, thereby ending our movie. Twice.
The first five pics are of us trying to get Elliot to hold this sign for her 1st birthday invitations. Ever try to get an 11-month old to hold up a sign, look at the camera, and smile? Haha! If you're lucky enough to get an invitation, you'll see the picture we finally chose of the 40-some that we took!
A confident stander! (I have an idea!):

A good eater! (peas and cooked carrots):

Ready for the pool!:

This water is refreshing!:

Check out this float!:

Catching some rays (with SPF 65!):

Splashin' on the steps:

Sharing a post-pool snack with Daddy:

Okay, I'm headed over to YouTube now to post some movies, you can catch them on the movie bar to the right >>>
1 comment:
"A confident stander! (I have an idea!)" picture would also make a great I am turning one picture since she has her finger up like a one!
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