That's Elliot's newest word. She points to something and says, "Tzis?" I'm sure she means, "What's this?" What a smart girl!
New videos are up!
The life and times of Elliot Elise and her Mommy and Daddy...and her identical twin sisters Adeline & Charlotte...and introducing baby LINCOLN - the extreemie preemie
Thursday, June 26, 2008
A Sign of the Times
Elliot is really learning signs quickly now. Two days ago, she began signing "All gone." She puts her hands up and shakes them. Yesterday, she began signing "Milk." She puts her right hand out and rubs her thumb against her fingers. These aren't exactly the official baby signs, which I've never been sure if they're the official ASL signs, but she has modified all her signs. All that really matters is that we know what she means when she does the signs. I'm so proud of her! Next we're going to work on the signs for "bath" and "diaper."
P.S. Several more YouTube videos up...
P.S. Several more YouTube videos up...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I Quit!!!
My friends and family know that I have worked for a neighboring school district's marching band for four years. This would have been my fifth. The administrator for music is rearranging just about every position and not making any friends in the district. Sure enough, he wanted to pay me differently this year. Because I am not an actual teacher in that district, he wanted to take me off the "top 5" position list, and pay me differently. Essentially, that meant that he wanted to pay me half of what I made the last four years for about the same amount of work. Worse than that, he was planning on paying someone else who doesn't work in the district my old pay. And it would have been that guy's first year with the band. PLUS!!! he is paying two other staff the same amount he offered me...they are former students with no teaching degree, no Masters degree, and no experience teaching for this or any other marching band. WHAT?! No, thanks! I quit!!!
I will miss my seniors especially...Good luck seniors!
I will miss my seniors especially...Good luck seniors!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I'm a big girl now!
Well *sniff sniff* Elliot is getting so big. Today, we took up to the attic her "office" (exersaucer), her vibrating seat, her Bumbo seat, and her Johnny Jump-Up. She is outgrowing everything, if not physically, then emotionally. She no longer wants to be put in a chair or in a toy that she can't get out of. She needs to be able to take off when she wants.
"They" tell you to enjoy all the firsts. Her first tooth, her first word, her first step. "They" don't tell you about the lasts. I am sad that I didn't really savor the LAST time in her office or the LAST time in her jumpy seat. I rocked her to sleep tonight, and I wondered when the LAST time I will get to do that is...
"They" tell you to enjoy all the firsts. Her first tooth, her first word, her first step. "They" don't tell you about the lasts. I am sad that I didn't really savor the LAST time in her office or the LAST time in her jumpy seat. I rocked her to sleep tonight, and I wondered when the LAST time I will get to do that is...
Friday, June 20, 2008
Stand up!
Elliot had a rough night. She's been up only once every night since we got home from Colorado. Until last night. She was up four times. I totally forgive her, though, I know she's not feeling well. She has at least two new teeth coming in, the top center two. Well, the fourth time I went in to get her, she was standing up!!! We're so proud of her! I think she's feeling pressure since she's about to turn one, and wants to meet as many milestones as she can!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Our First Birthday Party
No, although Elliot's birthday is very close (11 days!), we went to our friend Chris's 3rd birthday party. It was lots of fun! We were hoping to swim, but with temps in the 50's this morning, that didn't happen. The kids (seven of them) played in the backyard, and the Mommies hung out and chatted. Chris's big sister Jackie had a half day at school and arrived about 20 minutes after we did and played with the kids. Elliot sure seemed to take to her! Jackie is 12 now, but I can tell she'll be a great babysitter in a couple of years! Christopher got a tool kit from us, and he sent us home with a snake bucket, a bubble blower, and a beach ball! Elliot really enjoyed eating pretzels while the others munched on cake. She'll get her first taste of cake at her party!
Happy birthday, Chris!
Happy birthday, Chris!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
New Pics!
The straw that...
Elliot learned to use! That's right, yesterday's big event was that Elliot learned to sip through a straw! It opens up a whole new world of possibilities - now Elliot can drink out of my cups, she can drink out of the cups at restaurants, and she can use those nice sippie cups with straws (which she did yesterday!)
While best friend Vikki and Mommy were sitting on the floor with Elliot while she practiced her straw drinking, we also discovered TWO NEW TEETH! My baby is going to have four teeth by her first birthday! The top two teeth are on their way, though I must admit, it saddens me a bit. That little two-toothed smile is so adorable! While Vik was over yesterday (for 12 hours of fun!), we prepared more for Elliot's birthday parties. We decorated party favors for the adults, and bought a cake pan (and made a practice cake) for her first ever birthday cake! FUNFETTI anyone?!
Please click here
to vote for Elliot to be in the Parents Magazine Cover search. We could be flown to NYC (Yay!) for the contest. HaHA! Be sure to click "recommend" above the picture! Thanks!
While best friend Vikki and Mommy were sitting on the floor with Elliot while she practiced her straw drinking, we also discovered TWO NEW TEETH! My baby is going to have four teeth by her first birthday! The top two teeth are on their way, though I must admit, it saddens me a bit. That little two-toothed smile is so adorable! While Vik was over yesterday (for 12 hours of fun!), we prepared more for Elliot's birthday parties. We decorated party favors for the adults, and bought a cake pan (and made a practice cake) for her first ever birthday cake! FUNFETTI anyone?!
Please click here
to vote for Elliot to be in the Parents Magazine Cover search. We could be flown to NYC (Yay!) for the contest. HaHA! Be sure to click "recommend" above the picture! Thanks!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Thanks, Claire!
Tee Hee Hee! I stole all these pics from graduation from Claire's facebook. Thanks!
United States Air Force Academy:

Lil' Bro Phil all Graduated and 2nd Lieutenant-ish:

Hanging out with George W.:

Congrats Grads! The hat toss:

Our Family:
Dad (Jim), Constance and Jed, Jamey and Molly, Claire, Phil, Mom, Me, Elli and Daddy:
United States Air Force Academy:

Lil' Bro Phil all Graduated and 2nd Lieutenant-ish:

Hanging out with George W.:

Congrats Grads! The hat toss:

Our Family:
Dad (Jim), Constance and Jed, Jamey and Molly, Claire, Phil, Mom, Me, Elli and Daddy:

Elliot's Double "D's"
No, its not what you're thinking. Now that Elliot, our little 'monkey,' is everywhere and getting into everything, we've been talking about the language we use with her. Dave and I agree that we don't want to say "NO" constantly. So we've decided to use the double d's. Most things that she should not get into are either "dangerous" or "dirty."
She LOVES to play with (read: eat) shoes. I just take them away and say "dirty!" Or when she tries to take the cord from a laptop, I take it away and say "dangerous!" When she tries to eat the leaves and grass that come in on Monty and Zoe's bellies (because they're so low to the ground that their bellies rub the grass), I say "dirty!" and take it out of her hand. When she reaches for the faucet in the tub, I say "dangerous!" Get it? We'll be asking her babysitters to use the same language, so she gets good consistency.
We'll also be having a yard sale for the junk we have lying around and for all the stuff that Elliot's trying to get, like our CD racks that could tip over onto her and hurt her. Those are now leaving our home. :) Kids really do change your life!
I forgot to mention that yesterday, I got Dave a diploma frame for his undergrad degree from Case Western Reserve University. He'll probably get a Masters frame for Christmas for Hofstra. He's seriously discussing started his Educational Doctorate this summer. I am so proud of him! He has talked about a doctorate for a long time now, and I think this is a great time to do it. I've been done with my Masters since December, and summer is a good time start a new program. If not this summer, I think he'll start in the fall. In three years, I'll have to call him "Dr-Husband-but-not-that-kind-of-doctor."
Elliot got her Daddy a very sweet book of most of the pictures of her and her best guy from her first year of life. I'll try to post a link to it...there it is!
oops...didn't work!
She LOVES to play with (read: eat) shoes. I just take them away and say "dirty!" Or when she tries to take the cord from a laptop, I take it away and say "dangerous!" When she tries to eat the leaves and grass that come in on Monty and Zoe's bellies (because they're so low to the ground that their bellies rub the grass), I say "dirty!" and take it out of her hand. When she reaches for the faucet in the tub, I say "dangerous!" Get it? We'll be asking her babysitters to use the same language, so she gets good consistency.
We'll also be having a yard sale for the junk we have lying around and for all the stuff that Elliot's trying to get, like our CD racks that could tip over onto her and hurt her. Those are now leaving our home. :) Kids really do change your life!
I forgot to mention that yesterday, I got Dave a diploma frame for his undergrad degree from Case Western Reserve University. He'll probably get a Masters frame for Christmas for Hofstra. He's seriously discussing started his Educational Doctorate this summer. I am so proud of him! He has talked about a doctorate for a long time now, and I think this is a great time to do it. I've been done with my Masters since December, and summer is a good time start a new program. If not this summer, I think he'll start in the fall. In three years, I'll have to call him "Dr-Husband-but-not-that-kind-of-doctor."
Elliot got her Daddy a very sweet book of most of the pictures of her and her best guy from her first year of life. I'll try to post a link to it...there it is!
oops...didn't work!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Fathers' Day, Rockstar!
Happy Fathers' Day, Daddies! We have had a good one around here! Elli's Daddy got to sleep in. While he was sleeping, I made whole wheat popovers and a bacon/cheddar quiche. After breakfast, Elliot was ready for her nap, so Daddy and I went to the basement to play Rock Band. We really are great at that game! Later, we went to Grandma and Grandpa J's to wish Grandpa a Happy Fathers' Day. We were there a couple of hours, then came home for another nap for Elliot. Dave and I rocked out yet again - we were entered into the Hall of Fame.
Next came Elli and Daddy's favorite part of the day. We went to Famous Dave's Barbeque for dinner. Elliot had a Gerber "Chicken and Vegetables" for dinner while we awaited our meals. Once our meals arrived, Elliot ate off of both our plates and had...are you ready for this? Baked beans, mashed potatoes, pulled pork, cornbread, and baked apples. This kid will eat anything! And when I took a break from feeding her to feed myself, she got mad and let out a little yelp!
Daddy is napping now, but Elliot has a bath coming soon, then bedtime. Then Daddy and I will...hmmmm....probably play Rock Band.
Next came Elli and Daddy's favorite part of the day. We went to Famous Dave's Barbeque for dinner. Elliot had a Gerber "Chicken and Vegetables" for dinner while we awaited our meals. Once our meals arrived, Elliot ate off of both our plates and had...are you ready for this? Baked beans, mashed potatoes, pulled pork, cornbread, and baked apples. This kid will eat anything! And when I took a break from feeding her to feed myself, she got mad and let out a little yelp!
Daddy is napping now, but Elliot has a bath coming soon, then bedtime. Then Daddy and I will...hmmmm....probably play Rock Band.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Mommy Goes Back to Work
In light of Mommy getting her new job as 4/5 Band Director in her school district, she has gone in to work (without Elliot), for the first time since last June, in order to begin recruiting students for the band for next year. Daddy, of course, was at work, too. Grandma J. broke her foot, so she is unable to babysit right now. All of which means that Elliot had her first visit to "daycare." Rather than go to a regular daycare, Elliot is going to Veronica's house. Veronica is a very nice Mommy that Elliot's Mommy met through work. Mommy taught Veronica's girls in band at JFK and in the school musical. When Mommy announced she was having a girl, Veronica had knit her a beautiful afghan. Mommy knew that Veronica babysat during the day for several kids, so she thought that would be a great place for Elliot to go...
Elliot went to Veronica's yesterday for about 2 hours. When we arrived, big girl Amelia was there playing, and Elliot was instantly in love. Elliot just LOVES to play with big girls! She barely noticed when I left. Veronica said Elliot was a very good girl and only cried once when her big dog barked. (Elliot gets startled by big dogs barking.) (So does her Mama...) When Mommy returned to pick Elliot up, Elle was asleep in a stoller out in the yard under a tree. Veronica and her daughter Michelle were sitting there with her, enjoying a nice cool breeze. When I went over and started talking, Elli opened her eyes and waved to me. I am so proud of her for being such a good girl while I was gone.
She will be returning to Veronica's one more time on Tuesday for the same reason. Hopefully, she will be just as good a girl then as she was on Friday!
Elliot went to Veronica's yesterday for about 2 hours. When we arrived, big girl Amelia was there playing, and Elliot was instantly in love. Elliot just LOVES to play with big girls! She barely noticed when I left. Veronica said Elliot was a very good girl and only cried once when her big dog barked. (Elliot gets startled by big dogs barking.) (So does her Mama...) When Mommy returned to pick Elliot up, Elle was asleep in a stoller out in the yard under a tree. Veronica and her daughter Michelle were sitting there with her, enjoying a nice cool breeze. When I went over and started talking, Elli opened her eyes and waved to me. I am so proud of her for being such a good girl while I was gone.
She will be returning to Veronica's one more time on Tuesday for the same reason. Hopefully, she will be just as good a girl then as she was on Friday!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Slow down!
It's amazing how fast Elliot is learning things these days. Yesterday, she was playing on the floor (a very popular activity at our home now) and she got into a crawling position, then straightened her legs as though she were going to stand up. (I believe this is called "downward facing dog" in yoga!) I thought, 'This kid hasn't pulled up on anything yet, but she is going to free stand in the middle of the room?!'
Then this morning, while I was taking my shower, she was sitting in her bumbo seat. Typically I take my shower while she takes her morning nap, but she's been skipping her morning nap lately, and then I wait 'til 11 or 12 to get my shower. Well, we have plans today, so like I usually do when I shower when she's up, I put her in the bumbo in the bathroom, and I play peek-a-boo with her around the shower curtain. I put some toys around her, too, and she is quite content to play with those. Well, this morning her book got away from her and she really wanted it. So, she reached REALLY far, and fell out of the bumbo, and hit her head on the toilet! OUCH!!!! Poor baby, crying! I jumped out of the shower dripping wet and held her. We nursed and she napped almost immediately after (I could have taken my shower then, of course...) She's doing fine now, but I guess it's time to pack up the Bumbo and say goodbye! Sorry, Daddy, another trip to the attic!
Then this morning, while I was taking my shower, she was sitting in her bumbo seat. Typically I take my shower while she takes her morning nap, but she's been skipping her morning nap lately, and then I wait 'til 11 or 12 to get my shower. Well, we have plans today, so like I usually do when I shower when she's up, I put her in the bumbo in the bathroom, and I play peek-a-boo with her around the shower curtain. I put some toys around her, too, and she is quite content to play with those. Well, this morning her book got away from her and she really wanted it. So, she reached REALLY far, and fell out of the bumbo, and hit her head on the toilet! OUCH!!!! Poor baby, crying! I jumped out of the shower dripping wet and held her. We nursed and she napped almost immediately after (I could have taken my shower then, of course...) She's doing fine now, but I guess it's time to pack up the Bumbo and say goodbye! Sorry, Daddy, another trip to the attic!
Mean Monty and Zoe!
So, each morning, Elliot and I have the same routine, we barely ever vary from this. Elliot wakes up and I bring her into bed with me to nurse and watch the start of the Today Show. Then, I take her out to the living room, put her in "the office" (a.k.a. exersaucer), and give her some cheerios. I go into the kitchen, start coffee and make myself a bagel or some other quick breakfast. I come back into the room and Monty and Zoe are sitting at her feet, and she is feeding them cheerios. Its funny, but I wish it wasn't routine. And now, so does Elliot.
Elliot is great a sharing. Now, I'm no idiot - I know that at this age, babies don't understand sharing. They don't really get the concept until about age 3. But Elli will hand you something very sweetly that she is enjoying. She just wants it back immediately, too.
Last night, we bought her some graham crackers for the first time. She eats just about anything, and I am looking for more variety in finger foods. Well, no surprise, she loves her new "cookies."
This morning, Daddy decided to give her one while she was in the office. Being the sweet, kind, caring girl that she is, she held it out to the dogs, who took it and ate it. I was super surprised when I heard her crying (I was making coffee). I came in, and the graham cracker was gone, and the dogs were chewing! OH NO!!! Daddy put the dogs in their room, and gave Elliot a new "cookie," and all was right and well in the world again.
Elliot is great a sharing. Now, I'm no idiot - I know that at this age, babies don't understand sharing. They don't really get the concept until about age 3. But Elli will hand you something very sweetly that she is enjoying. She just wants it back immediately, too.
Last night, we bought her some graham crackers for the first time. She eats just about anything, and I am looking for more variety in finger foods. Well, no surprise, she loves her new "cookies."
This morning, Daddy decided to give her one while she was in the office. Being the sweet, kind, caring girl that she is, she held it out to the dogs, who took it and ate it. I was super surprised when I heard her crying (I was making coffee). I came in, and the graham cracker was gone, and the dogs were chewing! OH NO!!! Daddy put the dogs in their room, and gave Elliot a new "cookie," and all was right and well in the world again.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The Flu and More Milestones
Friday, Elliot and Mommy went to Mommy's schools to say hi to everyone, meet her new principal for next year, and have lunch with Ellen and Allison. Just as we were about to leave for lunch, Mommy felt uneasy and got sick!!! Instead of having lunch with the girls, we came home and Mommy got sick a couple more times. Good thing Daddy is so good at taking care of his girls! Sadly, Daddy got sick on Saturday. Elliot, strangely and luckily, did not get this flu! Today (Sunday) we are all feeling great!
Saturday, we went to the Jaklitsch's pool to cool off, since its in the nineties and expected to stay that hot 'til Tuesday or Wednesday. Elliot had her real swim in the big pool, and really seemed to enjoy it. Plus, if you say to her, "Elliot, what does a doggy say? Woof! Woof!" She'll say, "Oof, oof!" back to you! Also, if you ask her where your nose is, she will be happy to show you. Do not, however, ask her where hers is, we haven't made it that far!
Today (Sunday), we back to the pool with our new pool float. Elliot LOVED it! She kicked her legs and actually made her way around the pool. Today, if you say, "Elliot, can I have a kiss?" She'll lean in and plant a big open mouthed one on ya! Also, we have been doing baby sign language with her, and she really seems to understand "MORE," telling us when she is ready for more food! What a big girl! Everyday we notice more and more milestones! In fact, while Daddy and Mommy were watching "Planet Earth" on TV downstairs and having dinner, we saw Elliot CRAWL ON HER HANDS AND KNEES, even if just for a brief moment! In fact, haha, we saw her scoot over to the PS3 and hit the power button, thereby ending our movie. Twice.
The first five pics are of us trying to get Elliot to hold this sign for her 1st birthday invitations. Ever try to get an 11-month old to hold up a sign, look at the camera, and smile? Haha! If you're lucky enough to get an invitation, you'll see the picture we finally chose of the 40-some that we took!
A confident stander! (I have an idea!):

A good eater! (peas and cooked carrots):

Ready for the pool!:

This water is refreshing!:

Check out this float!:

Catching some rays (with SPF 65!):

Splashin' on the steps:

Sharing a post-pool snack with Daddy:

Okay, I'm headed over to YouTube now to post some movies, you can catch them on the movie bar to the right >>>
Saturday, we went to the Jaklitsch's pool to cool off, since its in the nineties and expected to stay that hot 'til Tuesday or Wednesday. Elliot had her real swim in the big pool, and really seemed to enjoy it. Plus, if you say to her, "Elliot, what does a doggy say? Woof! Woof!" She'll say, "Oof, oof!" back to you! Also, if you ask her where your nose is, she will be happy to show you. Do not, however, ask her where hers is, we haven't made it that far!
Today (Sunday), we back to the pool with our new pool float. Elliot LOVED it! She kicked her legs and actually made her way around the pool. Today, if you say, "Elliot, can I have a kiss?" She'll lean in and plant a big open mouthed one on ya! Also, we have been doing baby sign language with her, and she really seems to understand "MORE," telling us when she is ready for more food! What a big girl! Everyday we notice more and more milestones! In fact, while Daddy and Mommy were watching "Planet Earth" on TV downstairs and having dinner, we saw Elliot CRAWL ON HER HANDS AND KNEES, even if just for a brief moment! In fact, haha, we saw her scoot over to the PS3 and hit the power button, thereby ending our movie. Twice.
The first five pics are of us trying to get Elliot to hold this sign for her 1st birthday invitations. Ever try to get an 11-month old to hold up a sign, look at the camera, and smile? Haha! If you're lucky enough to get an invitation, you'll see the picture we finally chose of the 40-some that we took!
A confident stander! (I have an idea!):

A good eater! (peas and cooked carrots):

Ready for the pool!:

This water is refreshing!:

Check out this float!:

Catching some rays (with SPF 65!):

Splashin' on the steps:

Sharing a post-pool snack with Daddy:

Okay, I'm headed over to YouTube now to post some movies, you can catch them on the movie bar to the right >>>
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Good girl!
Ella has really taken off scooting everywhere. I can officially say that yesterday began that time where you can't leave her anywhere and expect her to be there when you get back. She really gets around!
And this morning, I got her up at 4AM to nurse (upon her request), and when I walked into her room, I watched her push up and sit on her knees. She did it again later in the living when she was up for good. Good job, Elliot!
I think she has realized that she can get around now, and I expect her to be a total terror soon. I can't wait!
And this morning, I got her up at 4AM to nurse (upon her request), and when I walked into her room, I watched her push up and sit on her knees. She did it again later in the living when she was up for good. Good job, Elliot!
I think she has realized that she can get around now, and I expect her to be a total terror soon. I can't wait!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Okay, Finally Graduation!
Graduation morning was a bit disappointing, as up 'til then the weather had been absolutely lovely. That morning, of course, was rainy and FREEZING!!! We bundled up as much as we could (Claire and I did not sacrifice fashion for warmth, however, and we both sat freezing in our skirts and open shoes!) We spent the morning with our tushies freezing in stands (thanks, PopPop, for the rented seats!), covered with a blanket. Elliot was a great sport. I'll be able to show you better with pictures how the rest of the graduation went...
Rainy morning, but great seats up front:
The Honor Guard and the President's Car:
The Press and the President's Car:
The Cadets lining up (1,012 Seniors Graduated)(Phil was ranked #110!!!):
Mr. President on the Podium:
The President of the United States, George W. Bush:
Elliot wasn't enraptured by his speech, though the rest of us enjoyed it!:
Ella was SO EXCITED to sit in a big girl seat!:
Lined up to go get diplomas (look very closely for the crutches!):
Celebrating as the SUN finally comes out!!!! (It did clear up enough for the Thunderbirds to fly over, but not enough for them to do their Air Show.) (It also cleared up enough to completely sunburn my face, which is now peeling off...):
Okay, so kids 7 - 10 years old can line up on the field to gather the hats that the Cadets throw when they are official. After the 7 - 10 year olds gather a hat, anyone else can go get one. Jed got one, then we got one for Ella, and finally an extra to keep with the rest of Phil's uniform!:
Phil and best friend Dan from "Backstair Studios" changing each other's shoulder boards from Cadet First Class to 2nd Lieutenants. These two have changed each other's boards each year at the Academy:
"Smoking" cigars to celebrate! (Actually, the wind kept blowing out the matches, so no smoking was involved!:
Two best buds:
Daddy wearing Ella wearing her new hat:
The girlfriend gets the first hug!:
Daddy and Nana wearing the new hats - this was Elliot's favorite game!:
Uncle Phil! I got a falcon! (Isn't Jed's flight suit SO SO SO cute?!):
Phil and a friend whose name I forget, but I took the pic for Phil:
Proud parents - Dad, Phil and Mom:
Okay, finally, Claire has MUCH better pictures than I do, so after I steal some off of her facebook page, I will add them to my blog!
Rainy morning, but great seats up front:
The Honor Guard and the President's Car:
The Press and the President's Car:
The Cadets lining up (1,012 Seniors Graduated)(Phil was ranked #110!!!):
Mr. President on the Podium:
The President of the United States, George W. Bush:
Elliot wasn't enraptured by his speech, though the rest of us enjoyed it!:
Ella was SO EXCITED to sit in a big girl seat!:
Lined up to go get diplomas (look very closely for the crutches!):
Celebrating as the SUN finally comes out!!!! (It did clear up enough for the Thunderbirds to fly over, but not enough for them to do their Air Show.) (It also cleared up enough to completely sunburn my face, which is now peeling off...):
Okay, so kids 7 - 10 years old can line up on the field to gather the hats that the Cadets throw when they are official. After the 7 - 10 year olds gather a hat, anyone else can go get one. Jed got one, then we got one for Ella, and finally an extra to keep with the rest of Phil's uniform!:
Phil and best friend Dan from "Backstair Studios" changing each other's shoulder boards from Cadet First Class to 2nd Lieutenants. These two have changed each other's boards each year at the Academy:
"Smoking" cigars to celebrate! (Actually, the wind kept blowing out the matches, so no smoking was involved!:
Two best buds:
Daddy wearing Ella wearing her new hat:
The girlfriend gets the first hug!:
Daddy and Nana wearing the new hats - this was Elliot's favorite game!:
Uncle Phil! I got a falcon! (Isn't Jed's flight suit SO SO SO cute?!):
Phil and a friend whose name I forget, but I took the pic for Phil:
Proud parents - Dad, Phil and Mom:
Okay, finally, Claire has MUCH better pictures than I do, so after I steal some off of her facebook page, I will add them to my blog!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Officer Commissioning
Phillip became commissioned as an officer on Tuesday evening, May 27 at 10PM. He became a Second Lieutenant of the United States Air Force. Our Uncle Mike, a retired Colonel in the US Army (a West Point grad), commissioned him. This was a very formal ceremony, and I can confess that I teared up as I saw my little bro become an officer.
Phillip in his "Mess Dress." Very formal (very unattractive, if you ask me!):
The commissioning paragraph:
Uncle Mike, Phil, Mom and Dad:
Uncle Mike and Phil:
Congrats, Phil!!!:
Phil's shoulder boards being changed from Cadet First Class...:
+112.jpg) Second Lieutenant by Mom and Dad:
Now presenting Second Lieutenant of the United States Air Force, 2Lt Phillip Amrine:
Phil's First Salute as a 2Lt:
Phillip in his "Mess Dress." Very formal (very unattractive, if you ask me!):
The commissioning paragraph:
Uncle Mike, Phil, Mom and Dad:
Uncle Mike and Phil:
Congrats, Phil!!!:
Phil's shoulder boards being changed from Cadet First Class...:
+112.jpg) Second Lieutenant by Mom and Dad:
Now presenting Second Lieutenant of the United States Air Force, 2Lt Phillip Amrine:
Phil's First Salute as a 2Lt:
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