Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Elliot is finally on a decent streak of good sleep!!! Last night she was only up once, and in the last five days or so, she's gotten up no more than 3 times in one evening! Yay! Sleep!

Ella is working on 2 teeth right. The first began popping through on April 23, the second on April 30. Neither is all the way through yet, but the first is about halfway up, I'd say. She keeps putting her pointer finger in her mouth now to feel them. Its like she's making sure they're still there. She certainly doesn't need teeth to eat, though! She's a great eater and enjoys:

Pureed: Pears, Apples, Carrots, Peas, Green Beans, Chicken, Mango, Avacado, Potatoes, Yams, Peaches, Apricot, and Broccoli

Diced: Pears, Peaches, Grapes, Cheese

Bite-sized: Scrambled Egg Yolk, Wheat Tortilla, Cheerios, Gerber Puffs, Peas, Cooked Carrots

Elliot is also starting to get on her knees and rock back and forth. She's getting around okay by scooting backwards and rolling, too! She tries desperately to climb up Mommy to "cuddle." She's quite active!

We have frequent playgroups, too! On Tuesdays we head to the library for the Mothers' Center; Fridays we go for Open Play. This past Monday we went to Christopher's House for playtime with kids in the neighborhood. Elliot bonked heads with Christopher and Julianna - her sign of true love.

Gotta go, delightful kid is whining again. Naptime!

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