Friday, May 16, 2008

Count Your Blessings

Today's blog is brought to you by the number 4.

I never thought I'd be so happy that Elliot got up four times during the night, but after a night of 13, I'll take 4! Counting my blessings!

We've had a great day today, too. She got up at 7:15, we played til 9:30 and went to the library for our playgroup. We got home around 11:45. Ella took a nap around 12:09, and a private student that I forgot was coming came at 12:15. Monkey, a.k.a. Elliot, had her lunch, but seems to be on strike against purees these days. Too bad since I just made TONS of them this week. I tried to feed her peach applesauce for lunch (yum!) but she wanted nothing to do with it. Now we're watching Baby Einstein Baby Signs, which we rarely do, but I do like this video for reviewing some of the signs we're trying to teach her. She's in a really good mood, a total monkey, and was even singing through most of our playgroup.

Well, I'm off to play!

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