Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lucky #13/Poor GodFather

"Why the title?" you ask.

"That's how many times, I kid you not, that Elliot was up last night," I reply.

"Then why 'lucky'? Lucky for whom?" you question.

"No one. Not me, not Elliot, not David. Two times it was Monty's fault for barking." I complain. "She must be hitting a growth spurt. Or getting more teeth. She better be hitting a growth spurt or getting more teeth. Thank goodness I have a coffee maker now."

BTW - New video of Ella trying to crawl on YouTube (see bar on right)

I found a little marketplace near our home yesterday that sells local organic produce for the cost of non-organic produce in the grocery stores. Yay!!! I'll be frequenting there!

Oh, and Uncle Phil? (The Godfather) Hope you feel better! Keep that broken ankle elevated! We want to see you WALK at USAFA graduation!!!

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