Monty and Zoe....
Monty and Zoe....
Not the brightest dogs in the pack....
Yesterday, while grocery shopping, I picked up treats for Monty and Zoe. They were these HUGE treats for "Large Dogs." Those of you who know Monty and Zoe know that "Large" is the last word used to describe them. In fact, Elliot is now bigger than both of them at 17 lbs, 7 oz.
We gave them the treats last night (we had hoped to break them, at least in half, but they were rock hard). Monty took his and hid in his "den" (a.k.a. under our end table). Zoe took hers and hid from Monty anywhere she could find.
Monty finished his. Gross. It was HUGE and he's a pig-dog. Zoe, on the other hand, did not. In fact, I saw her leave the room with half of it. I said to Dave 'She's going to go hide that somewhere and she's headed for our room or Elle's room.' Then I forgot about it.
A couple of hours later, I crawled into bed. Our bed is Elliot's favorite playplace. She sits amongst the pillows and plays with about 8 toys at a time. So when I crawled into bed and felt something by my leg, I assumed it was a book she likes to suck on. I pulled it out to throw in her toy bin that we now keep in our room. It was not her book, it was ZOE'S NASTY TREAT!!!!
That's right, Zoe, who is not allowed on our bed and knows it, jumped onto our bed, put the treat under the covers, and left the room. She did this knowing that she is not allowed up there. She also did it knowing that Monty cannot, for the life of him, make it up onto the bed with his big fat lazy dog body.
Zoe is smart. And sneaky.
1 comment:
but ew.
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