Wednesday, March 19, 2008

03/19/08 Yay! Sleep!

She did it! Elliot slept from 8:55 last night until 7:20 this morning!!! She's starting to get this sleeping thing down! She did wake up at about 2:30 and cried, but was back to sleep in about two minutes. Yay Elli!

We had a great day today! Elliot had a terrific morning, then went down for a nap. Later we got ready to go and went to Daddy's school to visit. El was a big hit, of course, and was very well behaved - though a bit shy and tired. She fell asleep on the way home. That used to be nice when we had the baby carrier, now we have to get her out of her big girl seat. I brought her in and put her down for a nap. Then I napped. We got up at 3 and El had lunch. Grilled chicken & breastmilk in a winter squash puree. Blech. She LOVED it! We're working on the signs for "More" and "Milk" because she has the signs for "Mommy" and "Daddy" down pat.

She took her evening nap at 5:30. She's great about taking naps 4 hours after the start of her last nap. Then she went to bed at 8:40. Hopefully we have an entire night of sleep again! We're so excited that Daddy will be home now for five days! And his birthday is Friday, so I have to finish getting all ready for that!!!

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