Friday, September 12, 2008

TGI Friday!

Yay, Friday!

Elliot has been hard to leave in the mornings this week. She cries when I leave Miss V's, but I know she's fine 30 seconds later. I don't know how she is when Dave leaves her at Grandma's. We had quite the rough night earlier this week, too. But today when I picked her up, she was so delightful! She was having a snack of frozen peas and an apple wagon wheel, and she waved and smiled and got all excited, gave me kisses and kept on snacking. She was cuddling Miss V and her two daughters and gave them kisses before we left. So while I know its hard on all of us, I also know she's happy there.

We have a big weekend ahead of us. Tonight I have lessons (which seem not so important now that I'm getting "real" paychecks). Tomorrow, Elli and I are going to go play at the library, then we're going to Kristen's Pig Roast! Sunday, hopefully we can sit around and relax a bit. I thought we were going to a concert, but Dave apologized this morning and told me that its next weekend instead.

Elliot is walking and talking up a storm. Her current record for walking is 11 steps. She is choosing to walk on her own quite often now. Its so exciting! And yesterday morning - I LOVE THIS STORY - she was reading the book "Moo, Baa, La La La!" upside down and pointing to pictures and babbling. I thought it was adorable! I wish had gotten the camera, because she turned the page, pointed to a pic, babbled, then burst into laughter! What a funny girl!

And she's still lavishing us with kisses, hugs, and cuddles!

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