Sunday, August 10, 2008

Three More Pearly Whites - Eventually

The count will be seven when they all break through and grow in. August 1st, we noticed two different teeth starting to appear, the top right had just broken through. August 2nd, the second tooth broke through on the bottom right. Now, the top left is working hard to break through, too! As you can imagine, we've had some baby tylenol on the case as Elliot has had some strong discomfort lately!

Just thought I'd mention that as I type this, Elliot is crawling through her kitchen, back again, through it, back again, through it, and back again. Its very silly!

Also, check out "back stair studios" on youtube. You can see their final two videos before they left the Academy, including (at the end of Part II) the jump into the fountain that broke Phillip's foot.

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