Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A One Night Reprieve

Well, we cancelled our trip to Ohio to see Nana and Poppop. We hope they'll be able to join us in D.C. this weekend, but who knows? After I saw Elliot with eye slime yesterday, I knew a trip with a sick 9.5 month old wasn't going to be worth it. Then she proved me wrong. She went to bed at 6:30 last night. Poor sleepy girl! She slept 'til seven this morning and only got up once to nurse. Wow!!! I heard her up a couple of other times, but she just laid in her crib and talked and played then went back to sleep. I certainly don't think this is going to last for more nights, but at least I got the sleep that I've been needing!

Still no tooth!

I did, however, decide that since we weren't going to see Nana, whom I was going to ask to make some babylegs, that I would learn to make them. I taught myself to use my sewing machine and made one pair and started a second for Elliot. I have a pair to make for cousin Molly, too. Just 'cause!

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