Monday, April 21, 2008

Elliot's Wish List

I have decided that since does not have everything Elliot wants, I would make her a wish list on here, much like her book list (except that her book list is of books we already have!) I'll try to keep it updated with her wants/needs! Please understand that this is just a list of ideas!

Savings bonds
HABA toys/Melissa and Doug toys
Pedipeds shoes (she's a size 3, according the geeky guy at Stride Rite)
Zoo family membership (we got one already this year! thanks, anyway!)
Wooden Toys
Upholstered Baby Chair (Pink, of course!)
Riding toys (We like the elephant on Amazon!)
Push toys
Quiet toys :)
Bath toy storage
Water play table
Trains/Cars/Planes are all okay, too!
Babyhawk Carrier
Mommy's Touch touchtape diapers in fun colors and patterns

Elliot's wishlist on Amazon:

Thanks in advance! Love, Elliot

1 comment:

Unknown said...

To be a diaper enabler I found some cute inexpensive AIOs here