Bill Grogan's Goat by Mary Ann Hoberman & Nadine Bernard Westcott
Blankie by Leslie Patricelli
Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton
Boat Alphabet Book, The by Jerry Pallotta
Book of Children’s Classics, The compiled by Dutton
Boy Who Could Find Anything, The by Joan Lowery Nixon*
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin, Jr and Eric Carle (Hardcover and Board Book)
Bubbles, Bubbles by Sesame Street Books
Buddy: The Story of Buddy Holly by Anne Bustard
But Not the Hippopotamus by Sandra Boynton
Butterfly Kisses by Bob and Brooke Carlisle (Golden Books)
Can You See What I See: Nature by Walter Wick
Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina*
Cat in the Hat, The by Dr. Seuss
Catalina Magdalena Hoopensteiner Wallendiner Hogan Logan Bogan Was Her Name by Tedd Arnold
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr and John Archambault
Complete Adventures of Curious George by H.A. Rey
Cookie’s Guessing Game About Food by Sesame Street Books
Corduroy Lost and Found by Don Freeman
Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready for Bed? by Barney Saltzburg
Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes, The by DeBose Heyward
Curious George by H.A. Rey
Daddy Hugs by Karen Katz
Daddy Loves Me by Waters
David and Goliath by Golden Books*
Disney Bear: A Day at the Magic Kingdom, The Story of by Disney Books
Does a Cow Say Boo? by Judy Hindley
Don’t Make Me Laugh! by James Stevenson
Easter Parade by Eileen Curran
Easter That Almost Wasn’t, The by Nan Roloff*
Ella the Elegant Elephant by Carmela & Steven D'Amico
Family Car Songbook, The (Hundreds of Miles of Fun) by Running Press Kids
Farm Friends by Baby Einstein Books
Feast for 10 by Cathryn Falwell
Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss
Free to Be…You and Me by Bantam Press*
Frosty the Snowman by Golden Books*
Fun With Colors board book
Funny Farm by Joanna Bicknell
Geraldine's Big Snow by Holly Keller
Giving Tree, The by Shel Silverstein
Going to Bed Book by Sandra Boynton
Good Night, Spot by Eric Hill
Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
Gossie by Olivier Dunrea
Grandpa's Little One by Billy Crystal
Great Mouse Detective, The – Basil’s Great Escape by Disney Books*
Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney
Gus Was a Friendly Ghost by Jane Thayer*
Halloween Hide and Seek by the Book Studio
Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb by Al Perkins*
Happy Birthday, Little Pookie by Sandra Boynton
Happy Birthday, Moon by Frank Asch*
Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson
Hatful of Seuss, A by Dr. Seuss
Hickory Dickory Dock and Other Favorite Nursery Rhymes...Ill. by Sanja Rescek
Hide and Seek Pets
Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss
Horns to Toes and In Between by Sandra Boynton
Horton Hatches the Egg by Dr. Seuss
Hug by Jez Alborough
I Already Know I Love You by Billy Crystal
I Am a Puppy by Ole Risom*
I Am Absolutely Too Small for School by Lauren Child
I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak
I Spy: School Days by Walter Wick
I’ll Teach My Dog 100 Words by Michael Frith*
I’m Still Here in the Bathtub (brand new silly dilly songs) by Alan Katz
I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean by Kevin Sherry
Itsy-Bitsy Spider, The by Taggie Books
Jack and the Beanstalk by Troll Associates*
Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems
Knuffle Bunny Too by Mo Willems
Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen
Lift and Look Opposites by SoftPlay Books
Little Elephant's Listening Ears by Susan Hood
Little Golden Book of Hymns, The by Golden Books*
Little Tiger is Loud by Susan Hood
Llama Llama Mad at Mama by Anna Dewdney
Lorax, The by Dr. Seuss
Love is a Handful of Honey by Giles Andreae
Love You Forever by Robert Munsch
Maestro Plays, The by Bill Martin, Jr.
Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey
Mama Don't Allow
Marsupial Sue by John Lithgow
Mary Had a Little Lamb by Mary Ann Hoberman and Nadine Bernard Westcott
Merry Christmas, Curious George by Margret and H.A. Rey
Micawber by John Lithgow
Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel by Virginia Lee Burton
Mirror Me! by Baby Einstein books
Mommy Doesn’t Know My Name by Suzanne Williams
Moo, Baa, La La La! by Sandra Boynton
Mother Goose: A Collection of Classic Nursery Rhymes selected by Michael Hague
Mouse and Mole’s Great Race by Diane Redfield Massie*
Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? by Dr. Suess
Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters
My First Animals Book
My First Colors Book
My First Numbers Book
My First Shapes Book by Leap Frog Books
My First Word Book
My Very Own Octopus by Bernard Most
Napping House, The by Audrey Wood
Nicky Goes to the Doctor by Richard Scarry*
No, David! by David Shannon
Noah’s Ark by Golden Books*
Nursery Songs and Sing Alongs
Oh, David! by David Shannon
Olivia by Ian Falconer
Olivia Forms a Band by Ian Falconer
Olivia Leaps by Natalie Shaw
Owl Babies by Martin Waddell
Parents Guide to the Baby Signs Program by Acredolo and Goodwyn
Pat the Bunny by Dorothy Kunhardt
Pictures at an Exhibition by Anna Harwell Celenza
Pirates Don't Change Diapers by Melinda Long and David Shannon
Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? by Bill Martin, Jr and Eric Carle
Pooh and Friends Board Book Set by Disney Books
Pooh Loves You by Disney Books
Potty Book for Girls by Alyssa Satin Capucilli
Put Me in the Zoo by Robert Lopshire
Quack! Quack! by Louise Rupnik
Rainbow Fish by Mark Pfister
Remarkable Farkle McBride, The by John Lithgow
Santa Mouse by Michael Brown
Snappy: Little Colors by Kate Lee & Caroline Repchuk
Sneeches and Other Stories, The by Dr. Seuss
Snowmen at Night by Buehner & Buehner
Snowy Day, The by Ezra Jack Keats
Splash! A Jigsaw Puzzle Book
Story of Easter for Children, The by Beverly Rae Wiersum*
Story of Ferdinand, The by Munro Leaf
Strega Nona by Tomie dePaola
Sunshine Colors by Lamaze Cloth Books
Supercat to the Rescue by Kate McMullan & Pascal Lemaitre
Sweet Smell of Christmas, The by Patricia Scarry
Tails by Matthew Van Fleet
Tell Me One More Thing, Dad by Tom Pow
Ten Little Rabbits by Brimax Books*
That's Not My Fiona Watt and Rachel Wells
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly by Simms Taback
This Little Piggy by Steve Haskamp
This Little Piggy ... Illustrated by Jane Manning
Tickle Tum by Nancy Van Lann
Twelve Bells for Santa by Crosby Bonsall*
Ugly Duckling, The by Hans Christian Anderson*
Very Busy Spider, The by Eric Carle
Very Clumsy Click Beetle, The by Eric Carle
Very Hungry Caterpillar, The by Eric Carle (Hardcover and Boardbooks)
W by Sesame Street Board Books
Wee Sing Classic Rhymes and Lullabies by Pamela Conn Beall and Susan Hagen Nipp
We're Going On a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury
We’re Taking an Airplane Trip by Dinah L. Moche*
Where is Baby's Belly Button by Karen Katz
Where Jesus Lived by Golden Books*
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Who Hops? by Katie Davis
Who’s Afraid of the Dark? by Crosby Bonsall*
Who's Hiding? by Peep and the Big Wide World
Who’s That Knocking on Christmas Eve? by Jan Brett
Winnie-the-Pooh Storybook Treasury, The by A.A. Milne
X by Sesame Street Board Books
Yertle the Turtle (and Other Stories) by Dr. Seuss
Zin, Zin, Zin! A Violin by Lloyd Moss
*From Grandma J – used to be Daddy’s books