Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ice Skating

To celebrate our friend Kat's 28th birthday, Davey and I went ice skating last night.  It was with Mike & Kat, Mike's brothers Tom and Rob and Rob's wife Jen, Emily and Gina.  Dave ice skated a couple of times around the age of 12, he says, and I had never.  It was quite an experience.  I never fell, though, therefore meeting my goal.  After skating for 2 hours (I can admit it was fun-ish), we headed back to Mike and Kat's for Coldstone ice cream cake, which was delicious, as you can imagine.  Then we headed off to the Library Cafe in Farmingdale.  It's a quaint bar with good food and great atmosphere.  Around midnight Dave and I headed off to pick up Elliot.

Elliot had been dropped off at Grandma and Grandpa J's around 6.  She played there until 7:30 when she went to bed in the playpen that she naps in there.  She was psyched about getting up in the middle night, seemingly to play with Mommy and Daddy who magically had arrived in her sleep.  Little did she know it was straight to bed upon our arrival home.  I took her in to her room, started to rock her, and she snuggled right into my arms.  Ah...   Then she sat up, asked for a book, pointed out my ears (in case I had forgotten their location), and said, "Mommy, ear foof nose!"  Which means, "Mommy, ear!  Dog!  Nose!"  Then I realized she would not settle for being rocked to sleep, so straight to the crib she went.  And got up at 6.  AM.  It was my day to sleep in though, so sorry Dave!  

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