Saturday, January 24, 2009

Girls Night Tupperware Party

Last night we had a Tupperware party.  I had gone to my friend Lisa's tupperware party in December and offered to host one myself.  I really enjoyed hosting my Fisher-Price party, so I figured this would be fine.  We had desserts and wine and everyone seemed to have a really great time.  They bought a good amount of Tupperware, so I got a good amount free.  Thanks, girls!

Elliot only got to make an appearance for a short time, as the party started AT bedtime.  She got to stay up about 30 minutes late so she could say hi to our guests.  She was very tired though, so she just couldn't make it much longer.  

Elle delightfully got up at her normal 6 AM today, so no relief for Mommy on the sleeping-in front.  Tomorrow is my day to sleep in, which is good, because we have a date with Mike and Kat tonight!

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