Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Is she a teenager?

Elliot is walking around our house today singing, "Shoes, shoes, shoes!  Shoes, shoes, shoes!"  This girl can't get enough shoes!  (Like her Momma!)

She picked up the phone, and had this one-sided conversation: 
Nana?  You did?!  Okay!  Bye!

How sweet is that?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ice Skating

To celebrate our friend Kat's 28th birthday, Davey and I went ice skating last night.  It was with Mike & Kat, Mike's brothers Tom and Rob and Rob's wife Jen, Emily and Gina.  Dave ice skated a couple of times around the age of 12, he says, and I had never.  It was quite an experience.  I never fell, though, therefore meeting my goal.  After skating for 2 hours (I can admit it was fun-ish), we headed back to Mike and Kat's for Coldstone ice cream cake, which was delicious, as you can imagine.  Then we headed off to the Library Cafe in Farmingdale.  It's a quaint bar with good food and great atmosphere.  Around midnight Dave and I headed off to pick up Elliot.

Elliot had been dropped off at Grandma and Grandpa J's around 6.  She played there until 7:30 when she went to bed in the playpen that she naps in there.  She was psyched about getting up in the middle night, seemingly to play with Mommy and Daddy who magically had arrived in her sleep.  Little did she know it was straight to bed upon our arrival home.  I took her in to her room, started to rock her, and she snuggled right into my arms.  Ah...   Then she sat up, asked for a book, pointed out my ears (in case I had forgotten their location), and said, "Mommy, ear foof nose!"  Which means, "Mommy, ear!  Dog!  Nose!"  Then I realized she would not settle for being rocked to sleep, so straight to the crib she went.  And got up at 6.  AM.  It was my day to sleep in though, so sorry Dave!  

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Girls Night Tupperware Party

Last night we had a Tupperware party.  I had gone to my friend Lisa's tupperware party in December and offered to host one myself.  I really enjoyed hosting my Fisher-Price party, so I figured this would be fine.  We had desserts and wine and everyone seemed to have a really great time.  They bought a good amount of Tupperware, so I got a good amount free.  Thanks, girls!

Elliot only got to make an appearance for a short time, as the party started AT bedtime.  She got to stay up about 30 minutes late so she could say hi to our guests.  She was very tired though, so she just couldn't make it much longer.  

Elle delightfully got up at her normal 6 AM today, so no relief for Mommy on the sleeping-in front.  Tomorrow is my day to sleep in, which is good, because we have a date with Mike and Kat tonight!

Friday, January 23, 2009

I got the socks on!

This morning as I was dressing Elliot to send her to grandma and grandpa's, she said, "I got the socks on!"  I thought to myself, 'did she actually just say that?'  She then said, "I got the socks on the foot!"  That's my smart girl!

Elliot and I have been having a lot of dance parties lately.  I have got to get a disco ball for our kitchen.  That's where we dance.  When I am making dinner, we both go in the kitchen, turn on our music (on our iHome under the counter iPod player), and dance it out.  

Her new favorite drink is banana smoothies.  She is only supposed to be having bananas and fresh apples as fruit, to solidify her diapers, so banana smoothies add to the amount of that good fruit!  She just can't seem to get enough.  They are made from a whole banana, a bit of yogurt, and milk.  It stays nice and runny so it can go through her sippie cup straw.  

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New videos!

Check them out on the side bar ----->

or at youtube.com/sajaklitsch

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Yes, Mother!  Yes, Phil!  Yes, friends!  I'm blogging again!  Geez!  

We have had a wonderful vacation!  We finished school on the 23rd, and Elliot came to the sing-a-long at my school.  She was a pure delight, dancing and high-five-ing anyone she could find.  My principal April was great - she had a small Elmo in her office, and Elliot saw him.  She immediately yelled, "Elmo" and April gave the doll to her.  Now we can barely leave the house without her Elmo.  (Which Monty proceded to tear into overnight; Daddy, handy with a needle and thread, fixed him up before I could see, because he knows how I'll react!)  I was sad to see, however, that her jeans (my faves) were too short and so was her striped green SO CUTE jacket!  On to 24 months we go!  (Now, the 24 months are WAY too big.  What to do?!)

Christmas Eve we spent wrapping gifts, running out for last minute items, and baking.  Then we went to Dave's Uncle Tom and Aunt Laura's.  It was Grandpa J's birthday (59!!!) so we partied hard and sang Happy Birthday.  Daddy and Grandma played at Christmas Midnight Mass at Christ the King Church in Commack, and Grandpa went along.  Mommy would really have liked to go, but it turns out that Elliot's bedtime is before the 2AM when Daddy got home.  Instead, Mommy stayed home and put presents under the tree, filled stockings, and enjoyed a little quiet time waiting for Davey.  

Christmas morning was wonderful!  Elliot was WAY more into it than I could have hoped.  She loves identifying Santa everywhere she sees him.  She's obsessed!  Some of her big ticket items were a tent, a tunnel, mega legos, the Little People house, baby strollers, and Elmo Live.  She got puzzles, books and clothes, as well as other small toys.  Davey got lots of clothes and TONS of video games including Rock Band 2 for PS3 and Guitar Hero World Tour, too!  I got cooking things that I asked for, sweaters, picture frames, and an AMAZON Kindle!  

Christmas afternoon went to Grandma and Grandpa J's where we had Christmas dinner with Aunt Mary Jane and her family and Great Grandma J.  More presents after dinner!  Elliot got a GIANT teddy bear from Great Grandma that she LOVES!!!  When I asked her a couple of days later what his name was, she said "Doo DOO!"  So now he's DooDoo Bear.  

The following morning, we hopped in the car at 6:45AM and headed to Christmas in Ohio.  We made record time and got there in 8 hours, 45 minutes.  We had Christmas there with Jamey, Constance, Jed and Molly; Phil and Claire; Nana and PopPop.  What a lovely time!  Jed LOVED his new camera from Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Phil.  Elliot got her picnic table from Santa Mommy and Santa Daddy there.  She loves her grocery cart she got from Nana and PopPop, as well as the tricycle which she has a love/hate relationship with - she loves it and wants desperately to ride it, while hating that she can't make it work yet!  She looks darling in her new nightgown matching Molly's and the kind that Nana wears!  We were in Ohio for 5 days, then home again, home again, jiggedy jig!

Since we've been home, we've put together the rest of the toys, gotten her new chair from Grandpa and Grandma J, gotten more toys from private students, and put away all our new clothes.  We've been having lots of fun together as a family.  Elliot is getting a little clingy, perhaps sensing that this vacation is coming to a close?  

She had her 18-month (Dec 30) appointment on Jan 3.  She weighed in at 22 lbs, 6 oz and 31 1/2 inches.  She is doing very well.  The nurse asked if she knows at least 6 words.  When she left the room, Daddy joked that Elliot says more than 6 words every ten seconds!  She is talking in full sentences already like, "I want to see it!" and "Mama, eat, please!"  Today, in her new obsession with calling Nana on the phone AND video phone, she brought me the phone and said, "Call Nana!"  Her new favorite word is "No" but its so cute, we just giggle (certainly prompting more "No's!")  She also now tells us, "Poop," which, if you are a parent, is thrilling!  The first step in a lot of steps to potty training!  

We have had a wonderful vacation!  We are sad that its coming to an end really soon!  Here are some pics!

Elliot and her new drum:

Mommy and Elli opening presents:
The Christmas spread:  (The Jak's helped the economy this year!)
Sleepy on the way home from Uncle Tom's:
Hey, Ella Santa!
Nana, PopPop, Elliot, Jed, and Molly:
What a happy family!
Ella's stinky heiny, Jed holding his nose, Molly oblivious to it all:
Pretty girl at Grandma J's:
Reading in her new chair:
Vacuuming with Nana, her new loves - vacuums and Nanas:
Uncle Phil (the Godfather) and Elliot putting a rack together: