My laptop is on its way out of this world...while the speed of the computer and all its functioning is still quite good, the screen no longer has the strength to hold itself upright. So now I can only use my laptop where it can be propped up. Strangely enough, I have used it while holding the screen up with my foot...painful, but necessary at times. I will be on much less due to this, I'm sure, as I have been for the last several days.
Elliot's parties all ended up fantastic. Daddy bought her an elephant at the zoo on her actual birthday. On Wednesday morning, we were playing with it and I said to Elliot, "What is the elephant's name? He needs a name!" I certainly didn't expect the answer that I got, "Dewey." Occasionally Elli says Dewey in a string of syllables, but it was as though she were really answering me. So now we have Dewey the Elephant.
On Tuesday evening, our neighbor Laura dropped off a gift card for Elliot for her birthday. (Her son, Douglas, graduated this weekend and she was quite busy with 72 guests for her party!) I had seen some great toys on clearance at Target and Ella and I went over to pick something out on Wednesday. I took the three toys I liked and put them in a row, and Elliot picked this cool bike. It has a toy that you can play with on the floor 'til you're big enough to sit on the bike; then, it becomes a rocking bike; finally, it becomes a riding bike. Its so cool and Ella LOVES it!!! Here's a pic (okay, 2!)!

Yesterday Elliot was down for a nap, and when I got her up, she was bleeding by both of her eyes. I don't know if she was itchy near her nose or what, but she now has identical red sores between her eyes on each side of her nose. Its odd. Here's a pic:

Today we had a garage sale. For the most part, Ella was wonderful, all things considered. The weather was cloudy with a chance of yucky. It did, however, keep the temp down. We made $48.50. Heck, it paid for groceries with money left over!!! None of our big stuff sold that we thought would, and only strange quirky little things sold. Odd... At any rate, one couple (who were obviously 'professional garage salers') tipped us onto the fact that there was a garage sale down the street with loads of fantastic and clean kids' toys. I ran down there, and they were right! I bought Elliot a play grill with utensils and ketchup and mustard, and this fantastic desk from Little Tykes. Both things combined I got for $8, and I bet she spent at least an hour today being entertained by them. Great deal! The desk is fantastic, too big for now (she stands at it and drums on the desktop) but will be great later!