Monday, December 7, 2015

Get This Baby Feeding!

In the last few days, my patience has been running thin.  That, I'm sure, has to do in part with the return of good old Aunt Flo.  It didn't come back this quickly with the girls, I'm sure it's because pumping exclusively doesn't hold a candle to actually nursing.  But I'm done - super done - with being at the hospital.  I love the people there.  I love our doctors and nurses.  The NICU isn't a place you can just pop into once you're out to visit old friends.  But I need to be out.  We're on day 96, and I'm just over it.

So in the last couple of days I've run into our nurse Kelly and our nurse Tina.  We haven't had them much for Lincoln (a lot of Kelly early on, but not recently).  They were amazing with the twins and getting them to feed so we could go home.  I begged them both upon seeing them to help get Lincoln feeding.  Kelly was on today with him and had him working.

I worry - maybe unnecessarily - about offending our two regulars, JoAnn and Heather.  I love them both, but I know Kelly and Tina will kick Link's butt.  JoAnn and Heather love him too much to kick his butt LOL.  We'll see how he did with feeds today.

At this point, I think feeds are the key to getting him home.  He's still on the 2L nasal cannula, but he's doing fairly well with that.  He sucks at nippling from the bottle or me, so that's the major obstacle at this time.

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