Monday, March 26, 2012

15 Days Old

The twinkie girls are now 15 days old! They've survived with much love and care in the NICU for over two weeks now. I was able to head to the hospital today and kangaroo care with Adeline this morning after dropping Elliot at school. Around 11 I headed off for the doctor, and afterward turned right around and headed back to the hospital to kangaroo with Charlotte.

Adeline ("Addie") is now taking 27 cc's of fortified breastmilk at her meals, down from 30 cc's. The girls are spitting up a lot and having decent sized residuals before their next meals, so they've backed down their feedings a bit. Addie has reached her birthweight and is fluctuating there now. When she was born she was immediately intubated, and the cpap she was wearing broke down the skin on her nasal septum (that little piece that separates both of your nostrils). It turned black and wore away. Luckily, because she's such a little thing and still growing rather quickly, the skin is growing back mostly on its own. She is being weaned from her cannula now so that there is nothing touching that spot, and the nurses are putting ointment on her nose every 8 hours.

Charlotte ("Charlie") is now taking 22 cc's of fortified breastmilk. This girl does NOT like the fortifier. She is quite the spitter-upper. When the nurses don't use the fortifier, she does fine, but she really needs the added calories and vitamins the fortifier provides. She has NOT yet reached her birthweight, and for the first time today, the doctors sounded a bit concerned about that. Charlie has polydactyly, which means she has an extra digit. Charlie's happens to be a sixth finger (pinkie) on her right hand. Because the finger has a bone in it, it will require surgery to remove. We found out today that that surgery will take place at about three months. While the plastic surgeon was there talking to me today, he also checked out Addie's nose, which he said should heal itself. Charlie is also on the nasal cannulas, and had two stims today while I was holding her. She has to go seven days with no stims in order to come home.

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