Sunday, November 23, 2008

"I'm not saying you're fat, you just LOOK fat!"

Dave, Ella and I went to the Olive Garden tonight for dinner. Going out to dinner lately has been not so pleasant. Elliot has to eat what we're eating, she's often quite cranky, crayons are food for her body not food for her soul, etc. One of us usually ends up walking around with her while the other eats, then we switch shifts. Tonight, though, we had a SUCH a nice time! It was really lovely. Elli was a dream! She was SO well behaved, ate all her mac and cheese and drank almost all of her milk, and was funny and charming and not at all annoying. Yay! There IS hope for the future!
While we were eating, Elle was trying to talk to the folks at the next table. I looked over and smiled an apology, and as I turned, this seven or so year old boy said, "You look fat!" Oh my. Hilarity ensued:

Boy: You look fat!
Pregnant Sister: Um, thanks?
Boy: I mean, I know you're pregnant, but you look really fat.
Prego Sis: Well, that's still not nice.
Boy: I'm not saying you ARE fat, I'm just saying you LOOK fat!
Prego Sis: Wow.
Boy: Seriously! I don't know what I'm saying that is mean!

By this time, Dave and were laughing out loud!

And now some pics of Elliot from recent weeks that I finally pulled off my camera:

Bathtub Mohawk:

Front view - look at those eyes! What a beauty!:

Elliot using a fork on her own:

Elliot awkwardly eating off the fork:

Elliot's new favorite toy - the laundry basket:

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