Saturday, September 19, 2015

Why I Hate the Number Eleven

Ask anyone who knows me well, I was certain Lincoln would be born on November 11.  The number eleven kept showing up in my life - mainly when I looked at the clock.  There were days I'd look at the clock at 7:11 then 8:11 then 9:11 then 10:11 then 11:11.  I figured this was a sign from my grandmother again.  That number was going to play into Lincoln's birthday for sure.  11/11 would be a little earlier than I would have liked him to show up, but far better than his actual birthday.

Link was born on 9/3 at 7:53 PM.  Weighing 1 lb, 10 oz.  13 inches long.

I still see the number 11 everywhere.  What does it mean?

In other news, Link dropped quite a bit of weight today.  It could be anything - likely his urine output.  And urine output is a good thing.  His weight went from 769g to 685g today.  When I asked his nurse, we'll call her CA, she said, "He's just so small.  When babies get bigger, they weigh more."  Profound.  Haha!

Other than that, he looks good.  Moving around a like a champ.  That's my boy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember when I was pregnant with the twins I saw 11's EVERYWHERE! I absolutely believe them to be sign! I thought my babies would be born 11/11/11 (we were due 11/23/11) Take some comfort in the fact that you still see them! ๐Ÿ’• The journey is long, and it seems you have somebody watching out for you and lil Link. ๐Ÿ’™