That's our family! The busy bunch!
We had a nice visit to Ohio over Columbus Day weekend. Elliot has now flown on 16 different airplanes. She did great on 3 of our 4 flights this trip.
Elliot has added "Please" and "Hot" to her list of sign language.
She has also been exhibiting some disturbing behaviors. According to "What to Expect: the Toddler Years," it's because of stress. I assume her stress is Dave and I being back at work. She now bangs her head on the floor. I know Uncle Jamey used to do this, and Daddy Dave did this - from what I understand, both have the scars to prove it. Hopefully, with more face time with Dave and I, she'll grow out of this soon.
Sleep is also disrupted again. We've been having trouble getting her to bed and getting her to stay in bed during the night. *Sigh*
Work is going well, tons of private lessons between Dave and I, and little time left for our house. So we have some dirty dishes, toys not put away, and a bit of laundry to be folded - but that will all keep, right? (That reminds me of a poem, which my Mom gave me, and I absolutely love...)
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow,
For babies grow up, we've learned, to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, Dust, go to sleep:
I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep.