Thursday, October 18, 2012

Updates & Anxiety

The girls have been doing amazingly well!  They are now seven months old and around 13 lbs for Charlie and probably 13.5 for Addie.  They sleep on their bellies because they sleep so well that way.  My twinset can be put down for a nap AWAKE, and they are content to lie there and fall asleep, often without complaining.  They are very happy girls.

According to David, Addie says "Mama" now.  She says it when I'm not around, and he says that it is almost as if Addie is asking where I am.  I've heard Charlie say "Da" at least two times.  Perhaps my potentially mirror image twins even speak that way :)

We believe the girls could be mirror image twins because my Adeline sucks her right thumb and my Charlie, her left.

The girls roll over, front to back, most often during naps.  In fact, it almost always wakes them up.  The secret is that you can go in and flip them back and they frequently go right back to sleep.

 My anxiety is now in high high gear over tomorrow's surgery.  Charlie has polydactly and was born with six fingers on her right hand.  Dr. Dagum will remove her extra pinky tomorrow morning.  The problem is that Dave and I have fallen in love with that little pinky.  I can't give it enough kisses today to take my worry away.  I do feel like we need to do the surgery now so that it doesn't become a nuisance, but I will miss that little tiny itty-bitty finger.  I am glad it is on her right hand, as she sucks her left thumb and that brings her such comfort.  I am concerned about her recovery.  I don't want my baby to feel pain.
 Elliot - loving big sis to Addie & Charlie
Buckeye fans Addie & Charlie