Monday, December 22, 2008


We sing Elliot this song that just goes "" over and over. Tonight, I was singing it, and she filled in something new...
Mommy: ""
Elliot: ".....ELMO!!!"
We laughed hysterically and now can't sing it right, because she always fills it in with Elmo because of the reaction.

Also, she was sorting out a new bag of bath toys from a student of mine, and was repeating the names of the animals. Here are a few examples:
Mommy: "Shell"
Elliot: "Sell"
Mommy: "Dolphin"
Elliot: "Salsa"
Mommy: "Octopus"
Elliot: "Offices"

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Oh No P!

Last night when Dave and I were rocking Elliot to sleep, as we try to do whenever we can, we were singing to her.  This kid loves singing.  While we were singing the alphabet song, we heard this:
D & S: abcdef
Elle: G!
D & S: hijklm
Elle: OH NO! P
D & S: qrstuvwxyandz...

It was so very cute that she put OH NO in instead of N O.  We had just been singing Little Fish, which has a few OH NO's! scattered throughout and Elliot loves to sing.  What a silly monkey!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

X is for Xylophone

Yay!  My xylophone came today!  It is set up already, of course.  Thanks, Neil Grover!  What a deal!

I played it already, no surprise, then Dave and Elliot played it.  We have pictures.  I'll post them as soon as I can!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Wonderfully Productive Weekend

Friday night I taught a lesson and we relaxed around the house as a family.  I seem to recall crashing fairly early, after such a long week and knowing I had to be up with the baby in the morning.  Saturday morning, Elliot and I went to the library to do a movement class with the toy parachute, and were the only ones to show up.  No class.  But we did come home, work on Christmas cards (check your mailboxes!), and wrap some presents.  David and I taught all day, but still got good Elliot time in.  She napped 3 hours and 15 minutes, and we finally ended up waking her up.  We called Nana on the video phone to show her that Elliot now says "Nana" and "Santa" (which comes out as "Sassa").  

Today we planned to do nothing but stay home and prep for Christmas.  So of course there were really good sales and we had to run out to get those.  Off to Target and Toys-R-Us.  Lots of playtime with our silly girl, whose favorite game is currently taking every marker out of our drawer one-by-one and handing it to us.  We got TONS of gifts wrapped, a couple dozen more cards done, etc.  We baked a tart (note to self: no clementines in tarts in the future...) and baked ziti.  Elliot went to bed like a dream both nights.  Tonight she whined "Love you..." sadly as I put her to bed.  Nice to know that even when she's disappointed with me she still loves me!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Busy Family

Wow!  I cannot believe how busy our family is!  Last week was Dave's concert, this week I have four.  We're desperately trying to get Christmas decorations up, pictures taken, cards together, lights up, house cleaned, baby cleaned and fed (she requires so much!).  Sometimes we even dress her!  Yikes!  Blog more later!