Saturday, October 10, 2015

Two and Half Pounds

Linky-doo hit two and a half pounds today!  His feeds are up to 19cc's.  His max feed is 22cc's, so they're taking him up one cc every 12 hours (at his 2:00 feeds), as long as he can tolerate it, until he hits 22.  Growing is one of the best ways to help him, so between his increased feeds and calorie supplement, he's doing well growing on the jet ventilator.

Speaking of the jet, I spoke with Eche again today as I was leaving the hospital.  Eche is having an adrenal ultrasound done on Monday, and is hoping to take Link off the jet soon after analysis.  He will be on a cpap next.  Getting off the vent means no more intubation.  While the jet vent is good for Lincoln and the reason for him being alive, it is also damaging his lungs.  Link has BPD, which is common for kids on a vent.  The vent keeps him alive, but causes damage as well.  His lungs are stressed and hyperextended.  Getting off the jet and onto a cpap will give his lungs a break.

In other news, the last time I was in our new pool was September 2nd, the day I went into labor with Lincoln.  We had the pool closed today.  Boo.  LOL.

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